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Greg is a 1984 graduate of Linton Stockton and is a lifelong resident of Linton. He grew up playing several sports and was a member of the Linton golf team that went to the State Finals in 1984.

After graduating from High School he played junior college golf at Danville (IL) Area Community College where he qualified his freshman year for NJCAA National tournament.

After graduating with a degree in Horticulture and Turf Maintenance Greg spent four years working in landscape design before getting involved in the building material industry in 1990. He now serves as the Operations Manager for BG Supply In Linton.

Greg has been involved in coaching both basketball and softball for 35 years and enjoys watching all sports. He and his wife, Katie, have four daughters and five grandkids. He is also owner of E2 Custom Creations.

Greg is looking forward to another great year of Miner Athletics where he will color announce at Basketball and Softball games – and possibly a few football games as well.

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(812) 512-0517
